「化粧品の動物実験は時代遅れ」830万人の署名を国連へ ザ・ボディショップ

Tags: #美容




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Breaking: It’s official, we did it! Thank you for helping us bring over 8 million voices to New York for a global end to cosmetics animal testing ❤️🌍🐭🐰 Today on World Animal Day we took a record-breaking 8.3 million voices from all over the world to the United Nations Headquarters in New York to call for a global end to cosmetics animal testing. Celebrity supporter Maggie Q, along with UK singer Pixie Geldof and Bollywood actress Jacqueline Fernandez, joined us to share the amazing support we have received for our Forever Against Animal Testing campaign. It’s a fantastic achievement and we couldn’t have done it without your help. 📋 Our petition reached its amazing total in just 15 months thanks to the hard work of countless passionate supporters like you across the world who want to see an end to animal suffering for the sake of beauty. We are calling upon all the countries of the UN to create an international framework that would bring about an end to cruel and outdated cosmetics testing on animals and to integrate animal testing into the UN sustainable development goals. 🌍 Michelle Thew, CEO of Cruelty Free International, said: “A global framework is the only way to truly eliminate animal suffering. We’re in New York to celebrate your voices today, but we know that we have much work still to do. With your continued support we will succeed.” ❤️ As Michelle says, the hard work isn’t over yet. We still need your help! Tell the world and your governments that you support an end to cosmetics animal testing on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram and share the hashtags #ForeverAgainstAnimalTesting #SDG12

Cruelty Free Internationalさん(@crueltyfreeintl)がシェアした投稿 –






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Tags: #美容